The Impact of Untreated Childhood Sexual Abuse: Consequences in Adulthood

Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is a traumatic experience that leaves lasting effects on a survivor’s mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. When CSA is untreated or unacknowledged, the child’s developmental trajectory can be profoundly altered, leading to a cascade of difficult and often self-destructive coping mechanisms. Survivors often grapple with dissociation, self-harm, eating disorders, compulsive lying, and impaired trust and love. These outcomes, intertwined with the survivor’s developmental stage during the abuse, underscore the critical importance of early intervention and therapeutic support. Childhood Perception and Processing of Trauma Children process their environment differently from adults. Their cognitive and emotional frameworks are not fully developed, which means they often lack the ability to make sense of experiences—especially traumatic ones. Children may not even fully understand what has happened to them, nor can they easily articulate their feeli...