
Showing posts from May, 2024

The Rewards of Learning to Play an Instrument

Welcome back to our three-part series on the magical benefits of music. In the first installment, we explored the numerous advantages of simply listening to music. Now, we will delve into the world of playing an instrument and the incredible rewards it can bring. Learning to play an instrument is not only a fun and engaging hobby but also a powerful tool for personal growth and development. Whether you're a child picking up a guitar for the first time or an adult dusting off an old piano, the benefits of playing music are vast and varied. One of the most significant advantages of playing an instrument is its ability to improve cognitive function. Studies have shown that playing music can enhance memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. It can also increase creativity and imagination, allowing us to think outside the box and approach challenges in new and innovative ways. In addition to its mental benefits, playing an instrument can also improve physical health. The act of pla

The Magical Benefits of Music: A Three-Part Journey

Music has been an integral part of human culture for centuries, and its impact on our lives is undeniable. From soothing our souls to igniting our passions, music has the power to transform our emotions and enhance our well-being. In this three-part series, we will explore the various ways in which music can benefit us, starting with the simple act of listening. Part 1: The Benefits of Listening to Music Listening to music is more than just a leisure activity; it can have a profound effect on our mental and physical health. Research has shown that music can reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and even improve our cognitive function. Whether you're listening to your favorite playlist during your commute or enjoying a live concert with friends, the benefits of music are vast and varied. One of the most significant advantages of listening to music is its ability to regulate our mood. Upbeat songs can boost our energy levels and increase our motivation, while slower, more melodic tunes c


As a 63-year-old woman who has spent years of my life in both federal and state prisons, I've had plenty of time to reflect on the choices that led me to where I am today. For the longest time, I found myself trapped in a cycle of destructive behaviors, unable to comprehend the underlying reasons behind my actions. It was as if I were a puppet, controlled by invisible strings that I couldn't quite grasp. I have missing memories, and only learn of things I did from others. Little did I know that this journey learning my past would be both devastating and liberating. As I peeled back the layers of my experiences, I discovered painful truths that I had long buried. Childhood sexual trauma, unresolved conflicts, and a deep-seated unnamed fear had all played a role in shaping my decisions and behaviors. Facing these realities head-on is like staring into a shattered mirror, each fragment reflecting a different aspect of my shattered self. I began to understand that my experiences, n

Dust In The Wind

As I listen to the song "Dust in the Wind," I can't help but reflect on the fleeting nature of life and the transformative power of finding hope in Christ. Before I knew Jesus, I often felt like I was merely "dust in the wind" - insignificant, temporal, and adrift in a vast, meaningless world. I would "close my eyes, only for a moment," and it seemed like life was slipping away, like sand through my fingers. "All my dreams" would "pass before my eyes," but they felt like mere "curiosities" - insubstantial and ultimately unfulfilling. I sought meaning and purpose in the things of this world - relationships, achievements, possessions. But no matter how much I accumulated or accomplished, it all seemed to "crumble to the ground." It was like trying to build a castle out of dust, only to watch it blow away in the wind. Deep down, I knew that "all we do" was futile, but I "refused to see" it, cling

Dear Adena M’lynn

The following is a letter I wrote to myself sometime ago. It’s to remind me of what I have and to see the world through hope.  Dear Adena M’lynn, I know that receiving a cancer diagnosis can be incredibly frightening and overwhelming. You may feel like your world has been turned upside down, and the road ahead seems uncertain. But I want you to know that you are not alone in this journey. There is hope, even in the darkest of times. Medical advancements are being made every day, and there are countless stories of individuals who have overcome the odds and emerged stronger than ever. Your faith in Christ, courage, and resilience will carry you through this challenge. Remember that your diagnosis does not define you. You are still a person with passions, dreams, and love to share. Lean on your support system –  friends, and medical team who are all here to help you every step of the way. Take things one day at a time. Celebrate the small victories and find joy in the simple moments. Focu

Broken Remnants

She was never destined to grow from an innocent child into a well-adjusted woman. No, fate had crueler plans, molding her into a monster instead. Shattered and fragmented, she learned to mimic faces and feign appropriate reactions, donning masks to hide the darkness metastasizing inside.   With each passing year, the sweet, carefree girl faded further away, consumed by spreading shadows. Innocence withered and humanity slowly leached out, replaced by a yawning emptiness. She became a shell, broken remnants rattling inside, the promising bloom of youth choked off and left to decay. By adulthood, the transformation was complete. The bright-eyed child was no more than a distant memory, a taunting fantasy of what might have been. In her place stood a broken woman wearing a convincing human guise, damaged and dangerous. She had grown into a monster they created.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Both Sides Now

As I reflect on my journey from who I was to who I've become in Christ, the lyrics of "Both Sides Now" take on a deeper, more personal meaning. In my younger days, I was like the "angel hair" and "ice cream castles in the air" - innocent, idealistic, and perhaps naive. The "feather canyons everywhere" represented the vast, unexplored potential of life that stretched out before me. I looked at the world with wide-eyed wonder, like gazing at clouds and seeing endless possibilities, but under dark clouds. But as I grew older and experiences shaped me, those same clouds began to "block the sun." Life's challenges, disappointments, and hardships "rained and snowed on everyone," and I realized that the world was not always as idyllic as I had once believed. There were "so many things I would have done, but clouds got in my way" - obstacles and setbacks that hindered my plans and dreams. Yet, even in the midst of th

Lay With Me

As I think of the words of the song, “Field Of Stone” I can't help but see a reflection of God’s love that He pours upon us. When I sing the question, "Would you lay with me in a field of stone?" it reminds me of how God is always with me, even in the hardest and most barren times of my life. His love is steadfast and unchanging, like a rock I can cling to. The lyrics "If my needs were strong, would you lay with me?" make me think of how God is intimately acquainted with my deepest needs and desires. He knows me better than I know myself, and He is always ready to meet me where I am. When my soul feels dry and parched, like lips that "grow dry," I can trust that God will "wet them" with His living water, refreshing and sustaining me. The image of walking "a thousand miles through the burning sand" and wiping "the blood away from my dying hand" paints a vivid picture of the lengths to which God goes to reach us and rescue u

Finding Peace in the Face of Lingering Connections

Letting go is one of the most challenging aspects of the  human experience, especially when a part of us still  yearns to maintain a connection. Whether it's a past relationship, a cherished memory, or an unfulfilled dream, the process of moving forward can be daunting. However, learning to let go while acknowledging the desire for connection is a crucial step towards inner peace and personal growth. The Struggle of Holding On When we find ourselves holding onto something or someone,  it's often rooted in fear – fear of change, fear of the unknown,  or fear of losing a part of ourselves. We may cling to the  comfort of  familiarity, even if it no longer serves us. This  struggle can manifest  in various ways, such as constantly  checking an ex's social media  profiles, replaying old  conversations in our minds, or refusing to  let go of a  project that has run its course. The Power of Acceptance The first step in letting go is accepting the reality of  the situation. Acknow