Broken Remnants

She was never destined to grow from an innocent child into a well-adjusted woman. No, fate had crueler plans, molding her into a monster instead. Shattered and fragmented, she learned to mimic faces and feign appropriate reactions, donning masks to hide the darkness metastasizing inside. 

With each passing year, the sweet, carefree girl faded further away, consumed by spreading shadows. Innocence withered and humanity slowly leached out, replaced by a yawning emptiness. She became a shell, broken remnants rattling inside, the promising bloom of youth choked off and left to decay.

By adulthood, the transformation was complete. The bright-eyed child was no more than a distant memory, a taunting fantasy of what might have been. In her place stood a broken woman wearing a convincing human guise, damaged and dangerous. She had grown into a monster they created.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


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