Challenges and Struggles

I want you to know that I understand and respect you providing me space to figure out who I am before the end. It's a profound and deeply personal journey, and I'm glad you're taking the time to help me. Thank you. 

You know, I've been thinking back to our high school days, and I have to say, I really respected you for hearing my "no" when you tried to take things further. I know I was probably sending mixed signals with all the touching and flirting, but you showed me respect. I realize now that I was dealing with a lot more than I could have imagined at the time, with sexual relationships I was having with old men.

But look at us now, reconnected, married, after all these years, both of us on a mission to figure out who we really are and what truly matters in life. It hasn't been a smooth road, that's for sure. We've had our share of distractions and obstacles along the way. As awful, and dangerous, we've even come to blows at times, fighting with our fists and kicking with our feet. I'm not proud of it, and there were moments when I thought you were going to kill me, we separated for a time, and found our way back. I apologize for my part in those moments. I apologize for adding to the pain in your life.


But despite all the challenges and struggles, here we are, working together in the end. It's a testament to the strength of our connection and the growth we've both undergone. I want you to know that I'm here for you, not to crowd you or pressure you, but to support you in whatever way you need as you continue this journey of self-discovery.


Let's keep pushing forward, one day at a time, until we both find the clarity and peace we've been seeking.


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