Warmth in the Dark

Friendships are like different types of fires. Some are like a flickering candle—small, delicate, but offering warmth in the dark. These are the friendships that may not burn intensely but steady you, their glow always there when you need it.

Others are like campfires, bringing people together, offering comfort and light. They take work to keep alive, requiring careful tending. These friendships need attention and care but reward you with moments of shared warmth, stories, and laughter.

Then there are bonfires. These friendships consume everything around them—wild, passionate, and all-encompassing. They burn intensely, sometimes too hot, but their energy is undeniable. While their flames may eventually die down, the impression they leave lasts forever. Whether the impression is positive or negative, you will know you’ve been burned.

Like any fire, friendships can evolve. Some may fade, while others ignite again when fed. All, in their own way, keep you connected to others and to the world around you.


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